It became a running joke. “I need you to have this baby so I will stop spending money on his newborn session.” Kelly, Hudson’s mom, and I were roommates after college. We think alike on so many levels and even go on girls’ trips a couple times a year. So this newborn session was well thought out, for sure.
Kelly is such an amazing friend and I wanted so badly for them to be something she treasured forever. So, of course, a little anxiety started to creep in before the session. But once she was here and we starting working, I just got in my zone because it was like we were just chatting it up and oh yeah, posing a baby at the same time. 😉
From the family shots to the curled up poses, I had so many favorites. I think my absolute favorite is the family shot though because I know how badly Kelly wanted and prayed for this very family of 4 that she’s been blessed with.
Kelly, I am so happy for you, sweet friend. Your family is absolutely adorable and I treasure our friendship, our texts that have me laughing out loud and the honor of documenting your most prized possessions.
These are of course amazing! What a beautiful family, and those baby lips, so so sweet!
Great pictures of an adorably cute baby boy.
Oh my stinkin goodness! These are precious!!!!
Thank you so much! You have me in tears. Again. Love all the sweet words and, of course, the pictures are priceless. You do amazing work, thank you for capturing my precious family. We are so blessed.
Beautiful family! Hudson is precious!!!